Rood's Media can build you a custom web-site solution (View Portfolio), but having a great site is only half the battle. Now that you have this fantastic web-site you need to let people know it exists. Relying solely on your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Google rankings may not cut it alone. Search engines may not generate the traffic you were hoping for. So now What? The answer is a successful and cleverly constructed online marketing campaign.
Here at Rood's Media, we like to get creative by designing and building custom web-sites. We focus on creating web-sites that visually appealing, easy to navigate and loaded with great content. As a value added service to all of our clients we are now offering custom online marketing packages through one of our strategic partners Dufferin Media.
Dufferin Media provides social media and internet marketing services. They optimize your social media presence (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Blogs & Mailing Lists) and manage the daily postings and interactions on your behalf. Basically, they build a custom online marketing campaign that will drive visitors to your Rood's Media designed web-site.